Surrounding yourself with the right people

As much as it sucks, the people that you love to be around 9 times out of 10 don’t support you. In some cases that maybe completely false, because its all about who you surround yourself with. it’s very important to surround yourself around people who want nothing but the best for you.

I’ve had to eliminate a few people out of my life because they weren’t supportive or encouraging. You need people around you thats going to contribute to your success that wants to see you WIN. We need people in our lives who pushes to be our greatest selves, who wants us to be the best US we can be. We get discouraged when things aren’t happening at the speed we want them to, yes this is true.. thats why it is important to have those supportive people around you to give you that extra PUSH that you need!

I’m grateful to have supportive people in my life who want to see me do MY THANG! lol They encourage me and push me to do great. We all can have that & I want us ALL to have that. I want us ALL to win & be great. We need to uplift & support each other more!

I believe in you and I love every single last one of you all!

Until next time ❤

making time for ME !

So for as long as I can remember i’ve always put others feelings & happiness before mine. I wanted to be everything for them, what I wanted or needed or how I felt didn’t matter to me because what mattered to me was what they wanted/needed and how they felt.

That didn’t do anything to me but hurt me, like broke me down. It had that effect on me because I was so focused on being enough for them that I never took the time out to make sure I was enough for ME , Jada! That has been my problem up until now at 11:58pm. I’m going to start making time for me. I’m going to put my thoughts and feelings before anyone else no matter who they are. I deserve it! I know my worth and I refuse to settle for anything less than what I deserve. I got really tired of people only liking me or wanted to be around me or connected to me because of what I was able to do for them. If you aren’t genuinely in my corner and hoping for the best for me and rooting for me then I don’t need you…..PERIOD!

So its now 12:01AM a new day, August 21st, 2019 & I’m starting something new. I’m beginning to make time for me & putting me FIRST!


until next time

I thought I overcame it…

So its currently 2:09 AM while i’m typing. I honestly have a lot on my mind right now and I don’t know any other way to cope with it other than to write about it.

I know you guys remember me writing about overcoming depression a few months back? truth is i haven’t overcome it. I thought everything was good & I thought i was good, but i’m not. Depression is something that likes to sneak back up on you and throw you off track once you’re making any type of progress.

I struggle with this on a daily. Only ONE person knows about it, because I don’t want to keep broadcasting it every time something happens. I don’t want to go into detail about what exactly bothers me every day, but its rough. I always try to look for the positive in the situation to hopefully bring light to the situation, but it really doesn’t help. I’m constantly holding things in and keeping them to myself, but I feel like it’s not doing anything but making the situation worse for myself. In all honesty you can’t confide in people because as soon as they get upset they tend to throw all of your issues back in your face.

I’ve been dealing with depression since I was 14 and here I am now, 22 years old still praying that it’ll get better. I’ve even thought about maybe going to therapy i haven’t really looked into it, but I think it’ll be good for me to. I want to be happy genuinely happy with myself and not looking to other things or people to make my happy. I know i’m kind of all over the place, but thats the beauty of blogging nothing has to make sense.

I really needed to get on here and write and get some of this stuff off of my mind. I’m not looking for pitty or attention, I just needed to write.

Thanks for reading & allowing me to be myself.

Until next time ❤

*Also if you have any advice it’s greatly appreciated*

Wow…So much has happened!


I cant find anything else to say but WOW! So much has happened since I last blogged! I don’t even know where to begin honestly lol. WOW! Well lets just start off by saying I’ve missed writing a lot!

I dont know who all remembers my very first blog where I was mentioning that I had just graduated from Esthetics school and was preparing to take my written exam? Yeaaaah I waited until the DAY IT EXPIRED to take it, & I PASSED! I knowww I crammed so much the days leading up to it! I kept getting discouraged because i felt like it was just SO MUCH information to remember in such short time. I shouldn’t  have waited until last minute to take it lol. But I’m glad I passed! Soooo about a week later my license came in the mail and now I’m currently looking for a job with my license.

Lets seee what else? loll. Oh! My family & I just came back from Destin Florida for my Grandmas 70th Birthday trip! It was sooo much fun Y’all O..M..G! We went to the Beach and I almost died like 25 times literally! If you’ve ever been to the beach you know how serious those waves are! They just kept knocking me over lol! We went to this place called The Track and it was so much fun! My sister, cousin and, I got on this thing call Sky Fall or something like that & It raised us SOOOOO HIGH in the air I could see the entire amusement park from being that high & thennn she said 3…2…1 DROP! & I promise I thought I had died and gone to heaven y’all! It was so scary, but i’m glad I did it! I’m never doing it again though!! LOLL

I’ve been trying to get my Youtube channel up and running, but I get lazy because IT TAKES FOREVERRRRRRR to upload lol! But I’m going to get better I PROMISE! LOL. I think at this point I’m kind of rabbling lol so i’m just going to end this blog here. I’m getting ready to go to Vegas in about 9 days so stay tuned for my blog about that & i’m going to vlog there too! 🙂

Until Next Time ❤

*I’ll insert a picture from my trip to Destin as well*

Overcoming Depression•

I’ve been kind of away with my blogging. Truth be told i haven’t been motivated to do so. I’ve been dealing with depression, & i figured i should just take time to focus on myself for a bit and my mental health. I remember a prophet came to our church one Wednesday night after service & asked could she pray for me. She then began to tell my parents that she knew that I dealt with depression.. & i began to think who me? no way, i’m always laughing and joking about something! •But why are you depressed? who did something to you?• Nobody did anything to me, it’s just what i’ve gone through on my own. A lot of small things triggered my depression, rather it be a shirt not fitting because it’s too small and i’m overweight, or no one liking my pictures on facebook or instagram or even simply not feeling beautiful. Truth be told social media is the devil! you see all of these instagram models with the beautiful figures and sometimes it makes you feel like you have to live up to those standards. I’ve known learned that you don’t have to live up to those standards. Half of those people probably aren’t happy with themselves. I AM BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY I AM, Small or big! I’ve been taking time and talking to God & spending more time with him. I now know that i’m fearfully and wonderfully made, and that God makes no mistakes. He made me for a reason. I’m truly blessed to serve a God like him, there’s no way i would’ve made it through this without him.

But I didn’t know you were dealing with this• No one did, I’m not the type to broadcast every time something is wrong with me. I’m not looking for pity, I’m just telling my story. I know i’m just kind of all over the place with this blog, but that’s the beauty of blogging with no limits or boundaries. So as i get towards the end of this blog, I just want to thank you for being patient with me because i know i’ve been MIA. Lol! But i’m much better now, & we all go through things throughout life and we overcome them with Gods grace and his mercy!

Until next time,

Peace •

You Can Get Through This

Often times we come across so many obstacles. We allow people to say things to us & do things to us and just stay “Okay” with it. I’m speaking from my experience when I say being nice is not the way to be anymore. People will take your kindness for weakness & you have to be strong enough to see when you are being taken advantage of. In the past (like yesterday lol) I used to allow people to treat me any kind of way & just brush it off. Not only was that not right but it also was damaging me. It damaged me to the point where i felt like well I just really want friends and I don’t care how they treat me. It took me to really open my eyes and see NO YOU DESERVE SO MUCH MORE! Friends? what are those? life is not about making friend, life is about living & being the best you you can be. So every day when I go to text those who’ve wronged me or when I see them on snapchat and I go to snapchat them I always have to remember to keep myself grounded. You can do the same too. Teaching yourself a lesson is one of the hardest things to do. but you have the ability to do whatever it is you desire to do. So don’t send that text, don’t send that dm, don’t send that snap, don’t make that call or facetime call, delete that text message thread. I promise you’ll thank yourself later.

Until next time! ❤️

Feeling like you’re not good enough? YOU ARE ENOUGH

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For many years I’ve always struggled with feeling like I’m not enough. I’ve always looked to other people to validate how I felt about myself. One thing I had to learn was no one can validate how you feel about you but YOU. Knowing your worth is important, extremely important. Not knowing your worth has so many bad things to come with it. You’ll allow people to treat you any kind of way, and you’ll stay in toxic relationships because you feel like that’s all there is for you. That’s totally not the case, you shouldn’t settle for anything less than the best. One thing I always struggled with was comparing myself to others. I would see people on Instagram and Facebook and immediately get in my feelings. Why cant I look like them? OMG she’s soo pretty? I wish I looked like that. Typing this I cant believe that’s how I used to be, but we all endure hardships & tough times and rough moments in our lives. I’ve began to love myself unconditionally and decided to stop allowing what other people thought of me validate how I  felt about myself. Self love is truly the BEST LOVE. Just remember whatever it is, you can make it through it. Never question yourself wondering if you are enough because you truly are!

Until next time

xoxox Jada

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